Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Respect The Law Double Page Spread:

Respect The Law Double Page Spread:

This eye catching title of the this double page spread will catch any body’s eye and if that manage to make them pass then the image placed on the right hand side of the page will make them stop in their tracks. This eye popping picture sets the double page spread well, as it is big and bold and in different to other pictures. The medium close up of the women is set out on the right hand page slightly lapping over on to the left hand page, giving a sense of together ness rather than the pages been separated. There text written in black written is spilt up into three paragraphs each starting and ending a the same point. There are two quotes written on both pages the first cutting into the interview writing and the second next to the picture. The use of these quotes help to give the effect of the female in the people being the one to have said them. There are two different background colours to this picture one of which been a yellow and the other white, this helps to spilt up the text from the picture.

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