Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Contents Page:

This contents page is spread out on to two pages and has a lot of things going on, on it. The contents page has a number of different columns of text on it two of which are separate apart with the use of picture which start from the left hand page going over to the left hand side of the right page. Another set of columns are in rows of three are in blue box on the right hand side of the right page. This contents page is quite full with lots of things everywhere, showing that the magazine will be full of lots of different things. The use of layers help to spilt up, hide and cause a effect which helps to make the main image of the man holding a guitar look as if he is popping out of the page. Even though the picture is over lapping the text “Contents” the reader is still able to see what the word is trying to say and it still stands out. The majority of the contents page is set out in the colours white, red and black with the colours reflecting and working with each other to cause effect helping to make the plain background colour white look more appealing. The use of the box shape box with white and yellow writing shouts out to the reader that there is something here they should look at.

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