Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Target Audience Research Video 1!

Target Audience research Questionnaire:

Target Audience research Questionnaire:

1. What Gender Are you?

Female[ ]
Male[ ]

2. What types of magazine do you buy?

3. What makes you buy these magazines?

4. Can you name any music magazines?

5. How much would you pay for music magazines?

£1.00- £1.99 [ ] £2.00-£2.99 [ ] £3.00-£3.99 [ ] £4.00-£4.99[ ] £5.00 + [ ]
Other __________________________________

6. What genre of music magazine would you or do you read?

Hip Hop [ ] R&B [ ] Dance [ ] Indie [ ] Rock [ ] Pop [ ]
Other __________________________________

7. What draws your attention to these magazines?

8. What do you like to read about these magazines?

9. What do you prefer, lots of pictures or lots of information?

Lots of pictures [ ]
Lots of information[ ]

10. Do you like lots of features on magazine covers or just a few?

11. Who is your favourite artist or band?

12. Who would like to see on a cover of a music magazine?

13. What puts you of a music magazine?

14.If the magazine had song lyrics, posters or other free stuff in side would you go for that music magazine over another one.

15. What content do you expect from a music magazine;

Interviews, [ ]
Real life stories, [ ]
Artist and Band Information, [ ]
Pictures, [ ]

Initial Ideas Diagram !

This is my initial ideas spider diagram where I have noted down all the different things I feel are important to a making a good magazine. I have come up with these ideas from looking at my research, I have also noted down some ideas in which I am actually going to use with my magazine.

Alison Mosshart Double Page Spread:

This double page spread is set and styled all in black and white, including all of the shading, image and also the text and background colour. The columns of this double page spread are spilt up in to three clear sections. The picture which is the only image on this double page spread is a medium close up of a women looking quite serious. This picture helps to make the double page spread look interesting drawing in the readers attention in to what the article is about. The background of this spread is all white, this helps to make the text stand out as it is written all in black. This double page spread does not really follow the rule of three, as it has text going over each section. From looking at this double page spread i would say that the main target audience for this article would be middle age women.
Lives Double Page Spread:

“Lives” target audience is set instantly when looked at by this double page spread by its use of pictures. The different medium and close up shots of people playing the guitar, singing and been carried by the crowd shows the reader that this magazine is for male rock boys. Along the left hand side of the page is a white background which helps to bring the read back down in order to read the text after looking a the pictures. The text is written in one column set out in paragraphs along the left hand side of the page. At the bottom of the page is a little short question interview highlight in a black rectangle box which contains a picture.

Respect The Law Double Page Spread:

Respect The Law Double Page Spread:

This eye catching title of the this double page spread will catch any body’s eye and if that manage to make them pass then the image placed on the right hand side of the page will make them stop in their tracks. This eye popping picture sets the double page spread well, as it is big and bold and in different to other pictures. The medium close up of the women is set out on the right hand page slightly lapping over on to the left hand page, giving a sense of together ness rather than the pages been separated. There text written in black written is spilt up into three paragraphs each starting and ending a the same point. There are two quotes written on both pages the first cutting into the interview writing and the second next to the picture. The use of these quotes help to give the effect of the female in the people being the one to have said them. There are two different background colours to this picture one of which been a yellow and the other white, this helps to spilt up the text from the picture.

Steel Double Page Spread:

Steel Double Page Spread:

“Steel” is really throw out at the reader in this double page spread as the effective and layers of the pictures and the title makes it look as if one of the males in the pictures are throwing out his hand and giving it to the reader. This use of picture and position brings excitement and colour to the double page spread. With the use of the rule of three each person and text fits perfect in to a third section of the page. The text on this double page spread is spilt up in to two columns on either side of the pages with the image also the background picture popping out in between it. The chose of colours for the text is reflect and brought from the lighting and colours of the males colours. The red and white colour contrast each other in order to shown and present the text well. By using a grey colour for the “Steel” which is the band name and then “Zoltan Bathory” at the bottom it helps to make this information stand out to show that is the band name and this is who they are.
Hip Hop 2008 Double Page Spread:

Hip Hop 2008 double page spread does not really send out a hip hop theme as the background and text lack colour and variance. The double page spread is quite dull and boring, although it goes along with the three columns rule the page seem dull and lack interesting even with the pictures either side. This double page spread uses very little colour, using only black and grey for the texts along with the title. There are two main pictures in this double page spread one on either side, both of which are of males. The first picture on the left hand side is a high angle shot of a man sitting on a keyboard with a till in his had where as the second picture on the right hand side of the page is of a medium close up of a male stand bend over slightly. The only bits of bright colours shown on this double page spread is the slight borders on the left and right sides of the edges of the pages. And the orange box in the top and middle section of the right hand side of the page.
Pete Doherty Double Page Spread:

The layout and contents of this picture which is used for the background of this double page spread, is quite revealing and slighted maybe to show the singers personality. Pete who is the male in the image is lay side ways on the bed, as a result of the way the picture has been taking it gives of the effect that the reader is actually there laying next to him, as his top half of his body is as if it is sticking out of the page. The colour scheme of the image set the whole colour scheme for the rest of the page, as the colours are light and dark brownish black colours. These colours are then used throughout the double page spread to be used for the text and any shades for boxes. The double page spread which is an interview with Pete is spilt up in to two paragraphs, I order to separate the text and make it clearer. For fans and any body interested in Pete there is a shade box, a tool has been used here to make the text written instead look as if it has been written out of the bed sheets in which Pete is lying on. This adds emphasise and sound to the words “Listen” as it add the effect that you are there listening to Pete in person.
Mixmag Front Cover:

This “Mixmag” welcomes the audience with a large medium close up picture of two girls on the left hand side of the page. Instantly this suggest that this magazine target audience may be females. The main styles of this contents page are, yellow, black and white, although the girl standing facing outwards is dressed in pink, this use of colour may also suggest the audience for this magazine. This target audience is also suggested by the front choice for the contents page, at the top the magazine name is written in a girly styled front, making it clear and presentable to be seen. The background of this contents page however is quite dull and does not really blend in with the images as they just look like they have been placed on top. Another down side to this contents page is that the picture of the man in the top right hand corner of the page is quite hard to see, which may suggest lighting errors when the picture was taking.
Contents Page:

This contents page is spread out on to two pages and has a lot of things going on, on it. The contents page has a number of different columns of text on it two of which are separate apart with the use of picture which start from the left hand page going over to the left hand side of the right page. Another set of columns are in rows of three are in blue box on the right hand side of the right page. This contents page is quite full with lots of things everywhere, showing that the magazine will be full of lots of different things. The use of layers help to spilt up, hide and cause a effect which helps to make the main image of the man holding a guitar look as if he is popping out of the page. Even though the picture is over lapping the text “Contents” the reader is still able to see what the word is trying to say and it still stands out. The majority of the contents page is set out in the colours white, red and black with the colours reflecting and working with each other to cause effect helping to make the plain background colour white look more appealing. The use of the box shape box with white and yellow writing shouts out to the reader that there is something here they should look at.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Rock Sound Contents Page:

Rock Sound Contents Page:

The back ground picture of this “Rock Sound” suggest a aggressive tone which links into the text quote written to the left of it. The picture of the two young males comes across as trying to be big and fierce by their snarling look on their faces. Although with the angle in which they have been taking in. This close up of the two males suggests and shows a target audience for this magazine of young males, maybe boxers or people that like rock music. In order to place the text over the picture the contents page has a black shaded box with the picture slightly visible thought for the written to be write in. as the two males in the picture have boxing gloves on which are quite easy visible, show that the two males may be on different sides, the red boxing glove is quite hard to see as it is only just visible as the text box is writing over the top of it. In order to still express the red there is a number of different texts written in red.

Clash Contents Page:

Clash Contents Page:

The Clash Contents page is quite plain and simple, even though there is lots of things going on, on the contents page it lacks colours and brightness. There are three colours which are used throughout the contents page within the two main pictures, the background and the text. The two main pictures are in the left hand side third of the page and are above one another. At the pictures are both of two bands the ordering and placing of the picture may shows the importance of each band. Both of the pictures are medium close up shots of the band, which shows that both are quite laid back and relax as they have either got their hands in their pockets, or hanging down by they sides. The text and information on this contents page is spilt in to columns this helps to spilt the information up giving the impacted of a full juicy magazine with lots of gossip. The written on the contents page is quick small and hard to read especially underneath the different page titles.

Kerrang! Contents Page:

Kerrang! Contents Page:

This music magazine content is from the music magazine Kerrang. There is a lot going on these pages with a landscape picture crossing over both the pictures. Compared to other contents page I have looked at this one takes up to pages rather than one. This is down to their picture which they have placed on in order to draw the reader’s audience to the magazine. The angle in which the page has been taking and then placed on to the paper makes it look as if the viewer of the magazine is looking into the crowd from the bands point of view. The word contents is written in big diagonally across the top left hand side of the left page, having this written big and bold let the reader know what the page is about. The title is written in the font Serif which gives of a big bold effective compared to the rest of the writing which is written in San Serif by doing this it gives the outcome of a hand written effective. Other than the background main image there is a picture of the band in the middle of the page is another picture of a band. There are a number of different colours used for the text, these are red, white, greyish colour, these colour do work well together however a improvement I for the contents page that I would suggest would be for the editor to change the grey colour as it is quite hard to read and also make the size of the writing a bit bigger as it may be hard for people to read.

Clash Front Cover:


The background of this magazine front cover of “Clash” is a close up picture of Pete Doherty. Unlike the other magazine I have looked at this magazine cover using only three colours throughout, in both the image and the texts. The three colours used are yellow, white and black, the use of these colours are quite effective as the background picture is black and white, this helps to give the picture a better effective making it look more together and everything flowing. The use of the colour yellow helps to bring in a bit of colour to the front cover, in order to stop it from being all dark. There is only to pictures on the cover, Pete Doherty on the background and then a picture on the left hand side of the cover of a man walking. The text written on the front cover is all different sizes, shapes and fronts. From this it helps to make certain bits of information stand out like the title and the name of the person on front cover. This allows the effective of getting all the most important information on the cover.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Diary Entire Four:

Diary Entire Four:

On the 14th, 15 and 17th of February i did some research into the different types of music magazine there is in the shops to day and how the editors of these magazine design and layout their front covers, double page spreads and contents pages. From this I looked at the different codes and conventions they use, how they displayed their layouts, pictures and text. What type of written and front they used and whether or not thy used the rule of three. From this I then analysed five different front covers, double page spreads and contents page to see which things each magazine had in common and did not. By doing this research it allowed me to come up with some ideas in to what I could do for my own initial plan of a music magazine.
I was set for home work this work to do some target research on different audience to find out what they like about music magazine and what they do not like, I then had to design a questionnaire and then display my results in a media way.

Diary Entire Three:

Diary Entire Three:

At the being of February I looked at a number of different school magazine and then annotate one looking at its front cover and contents page in order to give me some ideas for my school magazine cover and contents page for my Preliminary task. For this task I had to draw some sketches on A4 paper of a front cover and contents page for a school magazine, once I had done this I then had to scan in my design on to the computer and upload them to my blog. From this I then had to use all the knowledge and research I had been shown from the following weeks to take pictures using the cameras and then edit them, in order to design the sketches I had draw.
For homework this week I had to do an evaluation in order to explain everything I had done and why I had done it. Also in my evaluation I had to talk about my school magazine and who I felt my target audience would be and who would distribute my magazine.

Diary Entrie Two:

Diary Entrie Two:

After being taught how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements I then had number of lesson on how to use the Nikon DSLP camera which I would be using to take photos with thought my coursework later on. In these lessons’s I learnt how to used the cameras, where to position my picture I wanted to take using the rules of three. I learnt when and when not to use the flash depending on what the lighting was like of the area or item I was taking a picture of. In these lessons I also learnt how to sign and book the camera using the booking sheet, how to take pictures of the camera and upload them on the computer and how to detle the pictures of the camera after uploading.

Diary Entire One:

Diary Entire One:
At the start of the year during January I was introduced and taught on how to use the programme Adobe Photoshop Elements. During these lessons I was shown how to use the different vector tools and what they do and how to use them within my coursework to make my work look effective. Each lesson progressed showing me different tools and different effects in which I could use with my work. For example; How to use the cloning tool.

Echoes Front Cover

Echoes Front Cover:

Unlike the other front covers I have looked at, this cover does not have much going on all over the page, instead the majority of the text and even the background picture is fitted into the left hand side of the page. All the text written on the cover is wrote along the top middle and bottom left hand side third of page. The title “Echoes” is written in big at the top of the page, this helps to highlight and drawn the readers eyes to the name and then underneath the name of the women who is pictured on the background. I have noticed that the entire magazine chose their background image to be of the person or people who are one of the main importance stories in the magazine. This magazine uses a range of different colours, for the text using a range of light pastels colours along with a few darkish colours.

The Word Front Cover

The Word:

The background of “The Word” front cover like the other five magazine front cover I have looked at uses a picture of a person a their main image and background. From this it shows me that using a image for the background is more appealing and helps to target a range of different audience. The main theme colours of this front cover are white, blue, black and red, which are used throughout the colour to highlight text, lines and pictures. There are three other pictures on the front cover, two other which are along the side in a blue box to display and show back up the text underneath. The third picture is a Cd cover which is located in the bottom centre and left third of the page.
The use of layers makes the cover look more appealing as although there are layers on top of each other each layer it easy to see, and makes the other one stand out.
The headline and title of the front cover is bold and stands out the most compared to the rest of the text, this is down to the fact it is spilt into two different text shapes. The majority of the text is written in Serif, with bits of text written in San Serif

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

School Magazine Evaluation:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After doing some research in to other school magazine I noticed that there were a lot of pictures on them and piece of texts and information in order to help describe and introduce the school. From this I decide to set my magazine out similar and took a range of picture to help express the school. I made sure that all my text was the right size so not to look out of place or to big or small compared to the rest.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents students within the school and things that they get up to, I have done this by making sure that all articles that I have said that are going to be in my magazine on my contents page are things which are happening in the school and are yet to come. All pictures have been taking in the school and are of students that actually go to the school rather than picture of adults that do not go to the school. My main image on the front cover of my magazine is of the school, this image is also my background, the reason for this is because I feel it helps to welcome the readers to the school and want to pick the magazine up and read it.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media institution that may distribute my media product are low budget company’s council based like public schools and library where they can produce the magazine cheap. This will allow the students and they parents to consumer the product.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine is aimed at mostly young students in all years attending Whitley Bay high as it has articles and pictures in it and on the front cover that will attract them compared to parents of the students. However my magazine could also be targeted and aimed at the parents to as the contents page tells them what the different articles are in the magazine and they may be interested in the different things like the “Guys and Dolls Show” they might want to find out more and know what is going on in the school.

How did you attract/ address your audience?

In order to meet all the needs of my target audience I used a range of images and pictures in order to back up, the text I wrote onto my front cover and contents page. For example I add a picture of the shows guys and dolls poster to relate to the text in which I wrote Guys and Dolls. So that my magazine suited and would work for my target audiences I did not write a lot of information and on my contents page, as I noticed from my research on the school magazine that I looked at, to much information on the contents page and big paragraphs can be of putting.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From this process I have learnt that deepening on where and what I was taking a picture of would depend on what type of light I would need to use where taking my pictures, for example when I was outside taking pictures of school and field I did not need to use my flash as there was another natural light. Compared to when I took a picture of the pupil in her school uniform the lighting in the hall way was quite dark so I need to use artificial light which was the flash on the camera to help to lighten the picture.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Mojo Front Cover

MOJO Front Cover:

The Mojo magazine front cover is mostly made up of three different colours; these colours are black, pink and white. These colours are all contrasted together in order to make them work together in a number of ways. Black is used quite a lot in the front cover and is used for the background colour of the magazine; however it is also used for shading of texts boxes and for some pieces of text. White is another colour used a lot and is used for the title; this is effective as it stands out against the black background. The white colour is also used for other bits of texts and for the shading of text boxes. With the uses of the colours white and black it makes the magazine cover look quite scary and mysterious however by adding the pink its helps to make certain information and pictures stand out.
Each one of these are also used within the two main pictures that are on the front cover. The first main picture which makes up the background and is placed along the middle section of the page which is of the band Sex Pistols is in grey scale, however the lighting of the picture makes the men’s faces look white, where as the along and around the men and they body are quite dark.
In the second picture which is just over the left hand bottom section of the page going in to the middle uses all three colours to make represent different parts of the person faces. For example pink lips, white face and black makeup around eyes.
Both of these pictures including the three little pictures along the top section of the front cover page are all medium shots close up shots, this uses of camera angles helps to add more impact as the images of the men look at is they are looking at you.
As a result of the layers it make the main picture which is the picture of Sex Pistols look as if they have there heads coming out of the magazine, adding more power and effect to the front cover.