Monday, 26 April 2010

Final Draft Of Music Magazines:

Front Cover:

Contents Page:

Double Page Spread:

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Feedback for Rough Cuts!

Feedback for rough cuts for my Front Cover:

Teacher feedback:

Photoshop- Rough around the edges use the eraser tools.
VIP needs retyping.
Use more images and compare to style model for layout.

Feedback for rough cuts for my Contents Page:

Teacher feedback:

Needs more structure.
Check style model.
Add in more images.

Feedback for rough cuts for my Double Page Spread:

Teacher feedback:

Use three columns for text.
Use quote to break up text.
Write up introducing paragraph.

Pupil feedback for improvements:

Front cover could have a background.
More colour.
Could put page numbers in a different colour to make them stand out bit more.
Spend more time on images; maybe change the font of text.
Use more than one person for pictures.

Teacher and Pupil Feedback on what they like about my magazine:

Front cover and double page spread is good.
Good ideas and layouts.
Layout ideas are really good.
Images are well thought out; double page spread is well laid out.
Photos are useful and relevant.
Good layout on double page spread.
Beginning of a good brand and colour scheme throughout magazine.
Page numbers, magazine name and issue data on each page is good.

Diary Entire Ten!

This week I am adding in the finishing touches of my magazine in order to make sure that it is finished for the deadline at the end of the week, which Monday 26th April. I am also asking my friends for feedback on my work to make sure that it looks okay, and everything fits and looks write.

Diary Entire Nine!

Over the past two weeks, I have been using my teacher and pupil feedback to redesign certain parts of my magazine, using the feedback to changed and add in little bits of advice I have been given. From this i have took some new pictures of my friend for my magazine , I have also took more time when cutting out my images taking my time in order to make sure I am not cutting out parts of her hair or leaving the background in.

Diary Entire Eight!

This week is the final week for the rough cuts of my magazine, even though I know I have still got a lot of week to do this week like adding re cutting out my pictures as it is not perfect with rough edges, I am just trying to get my work to a standard in which I can had in. Tuesday was our deadlines for our work, I manage to get my work in save and copying my work in to the shared area saving it in a PDF so that it could be opened by the teachers. On Thursday in our lesson we got feedback for our rough cuts, as we had to go round the class room and comment on each other’s work to tell each other what we liked about each other’s work and what we think each other should improve.

Diary Entire Seven!

This week I am going to start my music magazine rough cut for the deadlines which is the Tuesday 20th March. As I had an idea on what I was going to do my music magazine on and the theme in which I wanted it to be basic on, I decide to write my article for my double page spread this was because I did not have any of my pictures taken yet. I decide to do this in order to save time by not wasting it doing nothing. I manage to finish my article half way through the lesson to day which gave me time to mess about placing my article on my page along with my title and quote in order to see what would go and what would not. During the rest of the week i hope to have all the text for both my contents page and also my front cover so that as soon as i take my pictures i can rearrange and place them on.