Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Picture Table

Here is a table of four of the pictures and details about them that i am going to use on my magazine.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Feedback On Questionnaires:

Feedback On Questionnaires:

Hand Draw Sketches of Contents Page, Double Page Spread and Contents Page

Hand Draw Front Page Sketch :

Hand Draw Double Page Spread Sketch :

Hand Draw Contents Page Sketch :

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Graphs For Target Audience Research:

Graphs For Target Audience Research:

Underneath are all my results from my questionnaires put into graphs.

1.When handing out my questionnaires I decided to choose a even number of both males and females in order to see what differences there are between the two genders.

2. From my research I found out that only 4 participants out of my 15 brought music magazines. 3.I found out that there are a number of different things which make people buy a magazines, one of the most popular answers was free prizes which are given away with the magazines. This could be some thing I used with my magazine to help draw my target audience attention to my magazine.

4.After looking at the results for question two I did not think that many of my participants would know many names of music magazines, however I was quite shocked to find that although they do not read them, they are aware of their names. Kerrang and NME are to of the most popular music magazines which my participants named.
5.The majority of my participants said they would spend up between £2.-00-£299 on music magazine this gives me some guidelines on how much money I should charge for my magazine as I do not want to sell it to cheap or to high.

6.Before I did my target audience research I was thinking about doing a pop music magazine however now after doing my research I have found that no many people read pop magazines and maybe this would not be such a good idea, as I would not catch as my readers.

7. From my research I have found out that some of the main things which draw my participants to the magazines are the images and the bands featured in the magazine. From this I now need to make sure that any pictures and the band or artist I use for my magazine are eye catching and effective in order to catch the reader’s attention.

8.Out of all the answer I received for this question the majority of my participants answered the same answer saying that they like interesting music magazines.

9.My participants have said that they like lots of pictures rather than lots of information from this I am going to try to include lots of pictures but also make sure I have another information.

10.For this question I received a even number of answers for both just a few and lots of features, from this I have decide to go in between on the amount of features I place on to my front cover in order for me meet both sets of answers.

11.This question did not really help me that much as I did not get any artist or bands coming up twice which would help me to choose which artist or band I could use for my magazine. How it did give me some examples of bands and artist which my target audience like at the minute.

12.Before my target research I had decided I wanted to place a picture of my bands or artists, after looking at all my results my target audience has reassured me to do this as this answer was given on a number of occasion.

13.When deciding my magazine I will need to be careful that I do not include to much information or price my music magazine high as these are two of the answers in which my participants say that put them of music magazines.

14.After looking at this question I am going to think about maybe putting some thing in that may be free for each song lyrics as my participants have told me that this helps them to choice one magazine over another.

15. From my results for this question it has helped to think about what my double page spread article is going to be about. From this my participants said they expect interviews, artist and band information and pictures. So for my double page spread my article is going to be a interview with an artist or band giving the reader lots of information with a whole load of pictures for them to look at.

Target Audience Feedback From Questionnaires:

Target Audience Feedback From Questionnaires:

Underneath is a number of completed questionnaire in which my target audience have filled in and completed for me. From my questionnaires I receive a lot of information and a range of answers all in which were very interesting and important.

Diary Entire Six:

Diary Entire Six:

For homework I complete my picture table in which I then scanned into the computer and then uploaded it to my blog. At the being of the week in class we looked at a number of music magazine articles and how they are written. We looked at an article about Lilly Allen, using highlighters we looked at the different types of technical terms which are used throughout the articles like things like; Taboo Terms, Personal Pronouns, Formal and informal information and the different types of puncation which is used throughout. As a result of looking at this article in detail it really helped me to understand and analyse the article a lot better allowing me to notice things in which I would not of picked up on if I had of just read it out in my head. This week we also picked a magazine article our self and we had to analyse and looked at the article and write out who we through the target audience, gender and age, what interest the person might have who would read the magazine and their occupation. I found this part of the task pretty easy to do however I struggled a little bit on the second part of the task which was to look at the article in more detail and pick out the different technical terms used within.
For home work this week I had to hand draw three design for my music magazine on paper, one for the front cover, double page spread and then for the contents page. I found this task really hard as I was still not sure what I wanted to put on my music magazine and what it was going to be about.

Diary Entire Five:

Diary Entire Five:

During this week I uploaded and post on my blog my homework which had been set the week before which was my initial plan which I decide to design by using a spider diagram as I had a lot of information to put in to it so by using a spider diagram it gave me more room.
Once I had done this I gave out a number questionnaire to a range of both males and females asking them to fill in some questions about music magazines and whether or not they buy them. These questions are all part of my target audience research, along with the questionnaires I then asked a number of my participants who completed my questionnaire to be in a video in which I took of them answering my questions from my questionnaires. Once I had all my completed questionnaires back in I then used Microsoft word and excel to create graphs in order to display my results so that I could evaluate my findings and see if there was any patterns throughout my answers.
When designing my questionnaire I tried to uses relevant questions which could be answer straight away giving me the answer that I wanted, so that I did not get loads of information in which I did not need or not enough information. I used a range of Qualitive and Quantitve questions throughout to give me a range of answers and to add some variety to my questionnaire.
Everything this week went quite well with everything going smoothly, the only slight problem was that I could not get one of the videos of the camera but after a while I manage to re connect the video camera and transfer the video.
This week for homework I had to design a table that I would be able upload on to my blog that would allow me to describe the details of every image I am going to put into my magazine and on which page I am going to put them on to. In this table I am going to have a column for what the picture is, time and date in which the image will be taken, what the picture is of who the model is and what costume they will be wearing. The location and mise-en scene of the image, the lighting, set up time and any camera angles and the distance between the camera and the image.